

Employers working people in the service of the home can enter through Cl@ve using id card/Certificate or electronic Cl@ve permanent.

Telematic shipping company certificates

This service allows submission through The Internet by companies of the company certificates of terminations for suspension or termination, as well as the referral by employers in the case of working people in the service of the household.

What is it?

It is about providing the opportunity to inform the public employment service Estatal (SEPE) any company that had access to Internet certificates of the termination of employment with the male and female workers.

This communication can be made using various means:

1 . Through the implementation of the XML technology. Using this technology are two distinct forms of make the SEPE certificates of cessation:

  • Through the treatment of XML files whose dispatch management manual. A user to, once the XML file has been created, proceed to select it and send it to the SEPE.
  • Through the treatment of XML files whose management is shipping messages to the use of web services. This is a task that requires no neglected intervention by any user.

This technology allows the communication of certificates of cessation to companies with single quotation, companies that took greater account of a quotation.

2 . Through the introduction of online data certificates in a cessation web form.

How does?

To use the application Certific@ 2 users, people must have permission to the data transmission telematics public employment services, obtained previously as defined in the implementation Contrat@, or electronic signature issued by any of the certification authorities.

The service operates differently depending on the means chosen (see page What is it?) for giving notice of termination:

1 . For those businesses that were decided at the use of XML.

For any of the two systems of the SEPE cease using this technology (see page What is it?), companies should generate XML files under a single outline published by that body. In this scheme specifies the structure of the communication that corporations must send.

Main features in the functioning of both services:

  • For XML files sent through access to the application Certific@ 2 , i.e. sent through manual intervention, there are two levels of control:
    • Format Control is carried out in real time, in the same time, which sends the file. In case of detection of error, specifies The file is sent for trial in the SEPE. Otherwise the file is sent to the SEPE for processing.
    • Other controls. Was held when the file has been sent to the SEPE. As a result of this second level of control, there shall be to send an email to report to the final outcome of the process: processed properly or rejected, in which case be annexed to the errors detected.
      In addition, each shipment can be put up 10 XML files.
  • For XML files sent through the use of web services, and as a service totally neglected, the company shall make the adjustments necessary software to support this process.

    In this section includes two services are available for use:
    • Web service data communication, through which the shipments of XML files. In response to the shipment, the SEPE allocated and returns to the company, a number that uniquely identifies the shipment made.
    • Query web service. From shipping identifier previously received, it is possible to use this service to know the status of the XML file communiqué (received or in the process), and in the case of already have been processed, you will receive as a response a file containing the final outcome of the process: processed properly or rejected, in which case be annexed to the errors detected.

Working men and women included in the XML files sent by any of the two above-mentioned services may be owned by companies with single or to companies with more than one account of such contributions.

2 . For those businesses that were decided by the introduction of data through a web form.

The use of this option requires the introduction of each of the data that make up a certificate of termination of a similar way as are completed in the printed on paper, with the following characteristics:

  • Record immediate certificates in the databases of Certific@ 2 once the data have been completed correctly.
  • Generation of the printed version in PDF format.
  • Availability of all possible values in some fields (type of contract, a profession, grounds for suspension/termination), which prevents can communicate values non-existent.
  • Logical controls and determining factors in the fields of dates (date of the company, the date of suspension/termination, date of contribution,?), which prevents guarantee effective communication dates wrong.
  • Mandatory controls (representative identifier, the group of contributions, date of the company,) and controls crossed between different fields (grounds for suspension/termination and number RIT,), which prevents left to communicate information required.
  • Controls the amounts of contributions, to be topados with maximum entitlements.
  • Data of the company and of the individual worker (name and number of Social security) provided by the system, based on the identification of the account of price and vat/NIE, workers or workers, respectively.
  • Availability of the same information contained in the back of the printed on paper (Rules, instructions for the completion and data protection act), through help buttons located along the form.

What are the benefits?

This service of the telematic company certificates is useful for companies, as can be expedited, simplifies and automates the process to facilitate the documentation to SEPE, thus substituting its delivery to the worker in paper format.

The Certificate of termination of employment is a highly important document for the recognition of unemployment benefits, and so it is important to provide this documentation to the public employment service, avoiding the displacement of the worker to his office. It will be essential for future implementation of a recognition of service allowances On-line.

This service, in collaboration with businesses, contributes to achieving the goal of promoting electronic administration.

With regard to the availability of service (XML file, web service, web form), the system allows for shipments of certificates of cessation during 24 hours a day in any of the 365 days of the year.

In addition, there are the significant step is to automate the process of sending the implementation of the web service, as well as technological independence of the use of the web form, as it does not require any special knowledge or software development by companies, as the only requirement to have Internet access.


Project Co-Financed by the european Regional development fund