
Request for data of a worker contracts

What is it?

This website provides a on-line consultation and if the impression Data of employment contracts of a particular worker, communicated to the Public employment services.

The use of this service allows obtaining a relationship of data of contracts that have been reported since the 1 May 1997 to public employment services. The worker may request a period of start dates of the employment relationship determined and you select for consultation all contracts or search indicating a particular company and/or certain types of contract. In this latter case dates are not admitted prior to Start 4 March 2001.

The relationship of contracts obtained it can print, generating a pdf document called RELATION OF COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE EMPLOYMENT OF A WORKER where will indicate the date and time, as well as a safety electronic footprint in order to take effect before others.

It will also allow mark each of communications, generating a pdf document individual contract, with all the data reported company, worker, and contract, which will also be the date, time and a safety electronic footprint.

This consultation cannot obtain if the worker has more than 210 contracts in the requested period

What is needed to access?

Use this service you must have a good Digital Certificate a Electronic DNI.

Project Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund