
Document management of the citizen

ATTENTION: The shipment telematic applications for unemployment benefits will be enabled channels at headquarters (request form and presolicitud). Through this process does not accept these requests, running out of the shipments containing them.

Nor is it permitted prior claims in this way.

Through this option you can attach:

  • Documentation: that documentation requested by the SEPE to accredit and/or justify the provision.
  • Documentation that the citizen considers relevant: That documentation to justify or prove any variation or communication that affects the benefit.

To access it is essential to have a digital certificate or DNIe or username and password obtained through the Cl@ve system.

In case of access with username and password of Cl@ve, with a view to signing the document in electronic form it will send you a message to the mobile number has been provided in the register of Cl@ve. It is therefore necessary to have mobile phone to finalize the process.

For more information you can check the notes of guidance.