
Contributory benefit application

ATTENTION: In order to sign a process at the SEPE, should be the registration of advanced level in the system Cl@ve, either in person, an office to a public employee enabled for that purpose, or on-line, after authentication of the citizen through an electronic certificate recognized

Through this administrative procedure may request the contributory unemployment benefit in the form of initial high, if it is the first time that the request or habiéndola requested previously has created a new law, or the form of resumption, if any, suspended for any of the causes of suspension and not exhausted, option for the new law and the possibility of compatibility with part-time work.

This provision protects the unemployment situation of those who can work, and wishing to lose employment temporarily or permanently or temporarily reduced see their ordinary working at least one third, with the concomitant loss of or similar reduction in wages.

For access to the same is required, in addition to meet the requirements set out below, the worker prior contributions to Social security, given that its funding is made by the contributions of workers, employers and the contribution of the state.

In order to accede to the contributory benefit must meet a number of requirements:

  • Be registered as a jobseeker.
  • Be legally unemployed.
  • To be affiliated with social security, and high or assimilated to high.
  • Have covered a minimum period of contribution 360 days, within six years prior to cessation, or from which he was recognized as the Last unemployment benefit.
  • There are No of ordinary retirement age exacted in each case for entitlement to retirement pension, unless the employee may not be credited the contribution period required to do that, or when there are cases of suspension of the employment relationship or reduced working hours authorized in each case.

The public employment service Estatal (SEPE) is An Autonomous Agency within the ministry of employment and Social security, responsible for the management and control of unemployment benefits.