
Request for renta activa de inserción

You may request the high initial enrolment in the agenda of the Renta Activa de inserción (in the following cases:

  • Long-term unemployed
  • A person with disabilities.
  • Returning emigrant
  • Victims of gender-based violence by their partner or former partner
  • Other victims of domestic violence

If the right to the Renta Activa de inserción is not extinguished may be requested reinstatement at the same at the end of the case, resulting in the temporary low. The reinstatement will imply the right to receive the Renta Activa de inserción (for the period that i was at the time of suspension.

The right is obtained from the end of the case of temporary low, whenever called upon within the 15 days.

In general, to access the Renta Activa de inserción (the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Being unemployed.
  • Less than 65 years.
  • No other contributory unemployment benefit, unemployment benefits or farm income.
  • Lack of revenue, of any nature, higher monthly computation 75 % the minimum wage, excluding the proportionate share of two extraordinary pay.

    For this purpose even though the applicant has no income, as previously established, if you have a spouse and/or minor children 26 years or over, or disabled children accommodated, Only means meet the requirement of lack of income the amount of the income of all members of the family unit well organised, including the applicant, divided by the number of members, not exceeding 75 % the minimum wage, excluding the proportionate share of two extraordinary pay.

    In the case of victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence act shall not be considered by the victim's spouse or child abuser, or be computed as a member of the family unit, will not be taken into account their incomes.

  • Not having been a beneficiary of three programmes of renta activa de inserción (without prejudice to any of the three rights would not have enjoyed for a period of maximum duration.
  • Not to be receiving a pension or an economic nature of the Social security that are incompatible with work.
  • Not having a disability pension income, or if you do, they should be suspended as long as the perception of Renta Activa de inserción.
  • In addition to the general requirements to qualify the renta activa de inserción should meet specific requirements to qualify for a certain program: ”

    Types of aid Additional requirements by type of aid
    Long-term unemployed Having met 45 years at the time of application
    Be registered in the employment office as unemployed when 12 or more months. (Is considered to be interrupted if has worked 90 or more days during the year preceding the date of request)
    Not having been a beneficiary of the programme of Renta Activa de inserción in 365 calendar days preceding the date of application of the right to admission to the programme
    It is mandatory to make the request, the documentation declaration actively seeking employment (LSA) for credit to the public employment service State that at least, there have been three actions active job-searching
    Persons with disabilities Be registered in the employment office as unemployed when 12 or more months. (Is considered to be interrupted if has worked 90 or more days during the year preceding the date of request)
    Have a disability degree equal or exceed the 33 % or a failure that group will represent a decrease in their ability to work in the percentage above.
    It is mandatory to make the request, the documentation declaration actively seeking employment (LSA) for credit to the public employment service State that at least, there have been three actions active job-searching
    Returning emigrant Having worked at least 6 months over the past six years since the last departure from spain
    Having met 45 years at the time of application
    Having returned to Spain in the 12 months preceding the application
    Not having been a beneficiary of the programme of Renta Activa de inserción in 365 calendar days preceding the date of application of the right to admission to the programme
    Victims of gender-based violence by their partner or former partner Be accredited by the competent administration status as victims of gender-based violence
    Not benefit from social assistance to participate in employment programmes
    Other victims of domestic violence Be accredited by the competent administration the victim of domestic violence
    Not benefit from social assistance to participate in employment programmes