
Notifications published in the BOE

Through this service can consult the full contents of acts and resolutions issued by the public employment service State in the procedure where you hold the status of concerned, whose notification has not been possible in the form anticipated in Articles 41 et seq. of the law 39/2015, 1 October, Common Administrative procedure of public administrations, and have been notified through the publication of the corresponding ad on Board Single Edictal official journal of the state, as provided for in Article 44 of the aforementioned law.

To access this service, it is necessary that identifies with username and password Cl@ve (provided in your office of benefits or another agency), digital certificate or electronic DNI

Once you have correctly identified, this service will display resolutions or communications, sorted by date of publication in the Single Edictal Board, current “ state ” and “ not valid ” and gives you the possibility to download in pdf.

Current status will remain during a period of twenty calendar days beginning with the day after the announcement on the board, Single Edictal Official newsletter of the state, which is the deadline to consider notification and thus consider completed the administrative procedure.

However, the resolution or communication will remain accessible to you in a state “no” in force during ninety days more. After that period is no longer available on this service.

In the case of notifications for unemployment benefits if no identification systems mentioned can go to your room benefits, quotation request, to make delivery of the full contents of the resolution or communication.